Thursday, February 2, 2012

The REAL RAW truth... (Day 18)

Dear Diary,

In the past 18 days I have learned so much about RAW food and my REAL body… Most importantly I have finally come to realize what works for me and more importantly, what does not! In the past, I felt like I was trapped in a shell of a body that didn’t really belong to me. I felt like an uncomfortable visitor; always tip toeing around in uneasiness. I could never seem to ‘put my finger’ on what was making me feel the way I was or I just simply didn’t want to take the time/make the effort to seek/find the real reasons for feeling so ‘uncomfortable’. With that said, I have never been overweight or underweight; but always somewhere in-between. My weight has always fluctuated up and down. I love food (and wine)! And I am was okay with that. I had just accepted that feeling ‘that’ way was normal and that it was “easier”. I created this stigma around being Raw, Vegan, Fruititarain (aka typical Maui-hippie) and didn’t want to be so ‘difficult’. I hated the thought of being “that person”. I just didn’t care that much. What? How could I not care that much, about MYSELF? I was literally feeling like SHIT 50% of the time, and had come to accept that! Until recently! This ‘experiment’ has truly made me realize YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!! You put crap into your body then you’re going to feel like crap. You put whole food into your body then you going to feel like a whole person. I am no longer okay ‘tip-toeing’ around, uneasy, and uncomfortable. I have realized that improper food combining was the main culprit, making me feel bloated, sluggish, or simply ‘uncomfortable’. I have realized that juicing gives me abundant energy and sustainability. I have realized that eating too many nuts (at one time) isn’t good for me and that having a little ‘warmth’ such as soup or steamed veggies in the evening is. This is an experiment! There’s going to be ups and downs and lots of self-discovery. I am truly ‘learning’ as I go. But what I am finding that is the most important to me and my true self; is listening to my body and responding to its ‘needs’ not just ignoring them due to inconvenience; and honoring that this is a life-change and that I am in charge!



  1. I just re-read this and, early in the morning when I'm still "Fresh" it makes sense. I like what you said - "I have realized that improper food combining was the main culprit, making me feel bloated, sluggish, or simply ‘uncomfortable'" - and in an effort to wean out what's bugging me, so I can find the REAL ME, I'm going to do all fresh fruits/veg today (and juice more!) and see how I feel...maybe part of my problem too is that I go too long without food, get too hungry then over-eat, resulting in feeling "bloated and sluggish"...I'm seeking that "full feeling" after being so hungry, but I HATE that feeling. I hate feeling sluggish. Gonna try...

    1. To Becky__
      Juice, juice, juice, it is what ties me over between meals. Your drinking but really, you are eating!! Cheating, sure not. It gives me energy, ties me over and on top of that. It prevents me from over-eating!! The quart size mason jar of juice saves me time and time again.

      To my lovely wife___
      Thanks for inspiring me, guiding me, motivating me (to be whole) and allowing us to experience this together. I feel whole! Doing this together takes out anything that might have seemed overwhelming, intimidating, or inconvenient! Loving it!
