Friday, March 9, 2012

Grilled Deliciousness

Dear Diary,
What do you do on a Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock when dinner's still a few hours away and breakfast was entirely too long ago? Here's what you do: Scavenge the zucchini out of the crisper, find the goat cheese hanging out behind the kale and fire up the grill. 

Head on over to Naked Recipes (You know about Naked Recipes, right? The tab in the green band above? Right next to The Constant In-Between?) Click over to check out Dara Michalski's spin on one of my favorite summertime foods. I know it's not summer yet, but a girl can dream, can't she?

I'll give you a little hint ...

Click here for grilled deliciousness.

So, what are you waiting for? Go check it out!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Deborah for your sweet comment about my chair re-do and my style! It's always nice to hear a fellow fresh/rustic fan as my husband and family often think I'm crazy admiring old junk like I do =)
    This grilling post looks really yummy, can't wait for my garden to be producing, happy day!
